Hello Peach Blossom Farm Families, Guests & Visitors. Our PBF-HOA Community Website serves as an informative resource for both our neighborhood and local community. We continually update our Website content as a means of communicating upcoming events, HOA concerns, and general information to our homeowners. Please feel free to contact us with your comments, concerns and suggestions.
~ 2024/2025 Board of Directors ~ |
Election Results are In. Your 2024/2025 HOA Board of Directors are...
President: Joe Lenza
Vice President: Andy Beckett
Secretary: John Anderson
Treasurer: John Wilhelm
Member: John Stone (ARB Committee)
Member: Tim Farnsworth (ARB Committee)
Member: James Boteler (ARB Committee) |
~ 2024 HOA Dues (Due by April 15, 2024) ~ |
Hello Neighbors. It is that time of year again to ensure that our 2024 HOA Dues have been paid. As of the first week in February, all homeowners should have received their HOA Dues reminder, along with a return envelope for ease. Your 2024 HOA Dues are $238 dollars and are due no later than April 15, 2024.
Note: You may also choose to send you dues electronically using ZELLE thru your individual banking website or mobile app by utilizing the pbfhoa@gmail.com email address as the recipient.
~ Abiding by HOA Covenants ~ |
HOA Covenants (REMINDER) Please be reminded that all homeowners within our community need to ensure that they are in compliance with our HOA Covenants and Bylaws.
Example: Any homeowner that wishes to add structures, pools, fences, sheds ect... MUST first get the plan approved by the HOA Architectural Review Board. Failure to do so could lead to removal of said item at the homeowners expense.
Please refer to the "Admin Section" of our website to find the necessary documents or click on the links above.
~ Real Estate Point-of-Contact ~ |
If you are a real estate representative and need information relative to a property, please contact the HOA by emailing James Boteler at james.boteler@dc.gov
Please download the attached PBF HOA New Resident Welcome Letter.
~ Neighborhood Safety ~ |
ATTENTION: Residents are seeing a significant increase in SPEEDERS within our community. Recent reports are that many of our "young" drivers are simply driving TOO FAST and just need to be reminded to slow down.
Please be mindful that the posted speed limit within our community is only "25 MPH". Anything above this posted speed endangers our community members, our children and beloved pets. remember, Slower is always Safer. Thank you for being considerate. Please note that the Sheriff's Office and Maryland State Police randomly monitor traffic speed within communities.
ATTENTION: Please join us in the "See Something...Say Something" Campaign and ensure that you report ALL suspicious activity to Law Enforcement. Recently there have been reports of youth trespassing upon property, vandalizing road signs and persons recklessly driving within our neighborhood. To avoid becoming a potential victim of property crime, consider locking all vehicle and residence doors and utilizing bright motion or security lights around your home and be sure to call 911 when suspicious activity is observed. Be vigilant and observant so that vandals don't take advantage of our beautiful neighborhood.
~ Be a Good Neighbor - Clean Up After Your Puppies ~ |
Hello Neighbors: There have been quite a few of recent complaints about neighbors allowing their dog's to defecate on others properties or common areas without cleaning it up. Please be mindful and a good neighbor. Clean up after your pets in a way that is respectful to everyone. Thank you in advance!
Calvert County Maryland Ordinances and Resolutions-Animals-Prohibited Acts: § 7-6-702Defecation and excrement. A. Except as provided by Subsection B below, the owner, keeper or custodian of an animal shall not allow the animal to defecate or excrete on property other than the owner's
The telephone number for Calvert County Animal Control is 410-535-1600/301-855-1243, Extension 2526.
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